Performance Insole

What Are Custom Insoles?

  • Friday, 28 June 2024
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What Are Custom Insoles?

Custom insoles are designed to fit inside shoes, typically to provide extra padding and support.custom insoles They can be made for a specific type of shoe, or they may be intended for a particular activity such as running. They are available as a sized to fit insole that fits in most shoe sizes, or they can be custom made for you by a podiatrist. Some customised insoles are even made for people with certain foot conditions such as flat feet or high arches.

Customised insoles can also be referred to as orthotics, but they are different from orthoses, which are specialised devices prescribed by podiatrists or orthopaedic surgeons to treat a particular condition such as arthritis or spinal pain.custom insoles The difference is that custom insoles are designed to provide a range of benefits, while orthotics are specifically suited for treating a particular condition.

A customized insole is a polymer that is printed using the “bridging” technique, whereby the printhead prints a layer of polymer directly on top of two surfaces.custom insoles In the case of an insole, this would be the scanned geometry of the plantar foot as the first surface, with the scanned bottom of the shoe sole as the second surface. The insole is then constructed by a loft operation, which generates the desired shape of the insole from the geometry of the scan.

Our design tool allows the user to specify a distribution of stiffness within an insole, so that areas can be made softer or stiffer than other areas.custom insoles The printing speed is adjusted to ensure that the total print time is not altered, despite including these varying areas of stiffness. This is achieved by defining the feed speed and extrusion amount within the insole, rather than modifying these values globally (as with slicing software).

To determine whether an additional correction of the plantar fascia by medial wedges will alter lower extremity kinematics during walking, we conducted a within-subject, randomized study within our motion analysis research laboratory among 35 participants with plantar fasciitis. Each participant wore a pair of commercially available sneakers with either a matched control insole or an insole with medial wedges. They were then asked to walk with each insole under a variety of conditions, with and without the added support of the medial wedges. The resulting data were used to assess the short-term effects of the insoles on plantar fascia thickness, pain intensity and foot function.

The results demonstrated that the addition of the medial wedge to a customizable insole significantly reduced overpronation at the subtalar joint, compared with the matched controls. Furthermore, the presence of the medial wedges was also associated with changes in the rearfoot, forefoot and hallux kinematics, and reduced knee and hip motion during the stance phase of walking. The findings of this study demonstrate that the customization of insoles with the inclusion of medial wedges can provide significant improvements in foot biomechanics, which will ultimately translate into clinical benefit for PF sufferers.

Tags:heat moldable insoles

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